I did all the things we were not allowed to do: getting drunk, smoking, birthdays, Christmas, dating 'worldly' guys, sex etc. The freedom to do what you want without judgement was exhilerating and times a little over whelming
Glad to hear things are working out. Don’t be one of those XJWs who throw the baby out with the bath water and foolishly ruin their lives by behaving like naughty rebellious children. Some of the things you learned as a JW where a protection and are a benefit so use them to your advantage. I don’t understand what the big draw is in smoking and getting drunk when everyone knows the damage these things do. We’ve all seen what often happens to those who have been raised to wrongly believe that every non JW is a foul mouthed low life, living in complete debauchery and they go out and start experimenting with all the things they’ve heard about. Glad things are going well so far but they can change very quickly if you become pregnant, pick up a disease or an addiction. Be smart...prove them all wrong....Don’t become another X JW train wreck who went for the low and common things in life. It’s a great feeling when you run into an old JW friend and they marvel at how well you look, how fit and well dressed you are and how well you are doing.